Personal data
Place of Birth Iran
Date of Birth 02/03/1996
Citizenship Iranian
Telephone +393714943144
Bachelor Degree in microbiology at Al-Zahra University of Tehran (January 2014 – June 2018)
Master Degree in Medical Biotechnology at University of Padua (October 2019 - March 2022)
Working experience
Executive assistant at the first conferences of fundamental of Genetics, Al-Zahra, Tehran, Iran (May 23,2017)
26th November to 26th December,2016: Membership in bio camp, Tehran, Iran
Internship at IBRC (Iranian Biological Resource Center) in Quality control unit, 2018
Cooperating in translation (English to persian) team of systematic Bacteriology book at Al-Zahra University (2017-2018)
since 1st February 2021, I joined the group of Dr. Alvisi for my Master thesis programme and working on a project that aims at identification of new classical nuclear localization signal on viral proteins
Nasim Akbari