Personal data
Place of Birth Togo
Date of Birth 23/03/1996
Citizenship Togolese
Telephone +393427677339
2014 High School diploma (Collège Protestant Lomé-Tokoin, Togo)
09/2015-03/2019 Bachelor’s degree in Biotechnologies (University of Padua, Italy)
10/2019-09/2022 Master’s degree in Industrial Biotechnologies (University of Padua)
Working experience
Since 2021, I joined the group of Prof. Alvisi for my internship working on a project concerning the deveoplement of BRET biosensors to detect viral proteases activity in living cells
From March 2023 I'm the awardee of a Research Grant (Assegno di Ricerca) to continue my studies on BRET based biosensors to detect viral proteases activity in living cells
Victoria Atelie Djossou