Personal data
Place of Birth Perugia (PG) - ITALIA
Date of Birth 17/12/1991
Citizenship Italian
Telephone +393466864427
Bachelor Degree in Biotechnology class L2 at University of Verona
Master Degree in Medical Biotechnologies at University of Padua
PhD Student in Biomedicine at University of Padua
Working experience
Freelance illustrator; Painter; Cartoonist; Violinst; Essences and fragrances expert; Student Tutor in Math, Chemistry, Phisics, Biophysics and Persian Language
Worked on the characterization of the Monodehydro Ascorbate Reductase (MDAR) protein in Arabidopsis Thailana in 2013-2014
Worked on a project aimed at exploiting a combination of multiple anti HIV-1 siRNAs along with a fusion inhibitor towards a genetica treatment of AIDS in 2016-2017
Since 2017 I joined the group of Dr. Alvisi as a attending graduate, for a post-graduation experience and since 2019 I am enrolled to the PhD Program in Molecular Medicine at University of Padua.
Research experience includes studies aimed at:
a. The evaluation of the role played by diferrent NLSs residues of HCMV viral replication complex during infection, and the host response to the latter, analyzing also protein-protein interaction
b. Identification of alternative therapeutic targets for HCMV infection
c. Comprehensive analysis of classical nuclear localisation aimed to identify nuclear proteome from all Human viruses